Sunday, September 4, 2011

Monster puppies

The pups are huge, weighing in at 13-14 lbs.  Juliette will not close the milk bar.  It is quite amusing out in the yard when Juliette will make a feeble effort to get away from the pups.  Even as she is walking away, the pups still do an amazing job of catching lunch on the run.  Just today, I introduced the pups to hard puppy kibble, and they had no problems making that adjustment.  They are each eating 1 cup of kibble per day, and looking for more.  As is typical of 7-week old pups, the pair is seeking lots of activity and interaction, with numerous short naps to recharge.  As weather allows, the pups have been spending considerable time in the backyard, eagerly explore the entire yard which is quite large.  Yesterday evening, the pups individually went on their first walkie on leash.  Just a walk to the neighbor's house and back, but Mindy got to meet a boy on a bike which was a great experience for her.  The pups are thoroughly enjoying interacting with all of their many visitors.  As much fun as it is to have baby pups in the house, by 8 weeks of age, it is readily apparent that the pups are ready to go solo and get some quality one-on-one attention from people so that they can grow up to full potential. 

 Mork and great grandma Yuma. Yuma is being more tolerant than normal.
 Big chew toy!
 Mindy at the base of the birch tree
 Mork, attempting to climb through.  He never succeeded, and I was amazed he didn't get himself stuck.
More puppy wrestling

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Puppy adventures

The pups continue to grow and be more adventurous.  The challenge these days is to keep them stimulated and entertained.  They have been greeting visitors, had two professional photo sessions, checking out new toys, training, and going for solo adventures in the yard.  Juliette continues to let them nurse. 

 Sticks have become popular toys.  Mindy is quite the little retriever.
 Juliette wasn't too sure she wanted to share with Mindy
 Mindy, first time on the slide.  She slid down on her own immediately after this shot.
 Mork checking out the spruce trees
 Mork in the sun
 Mork playing with the cone flowers
Puppy wrestling

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy puppies

The pups have been very busy.  Monday afternoon, they figured out how to climb over the tall 1/2 gate and escape from the pen (fortunately while Nancy was over at the house for the midday feeding and playtime).  So I closed up the ex-pen, and Juliette can no longer get in.  The first night, the pups were a bit fussy, but now are fine with the new routine.  This will also help Juliette decrease her milk production.  The pups' appetites are starting to pick up.  They are now very keen about their canned food and soaked kibble.  I am still attempting to limit feed and keep their growth rate reasonable.  Now that they are more food motivated, I introduced them to a clicker and we are starting to so some simple clicker training exercises.  Behaviors I was working on the other night were sit, look up at my face, and circle right/left.  We also have implemented the four feet on the ground/sit for attention rules.  As the pups are becoming more adventureous, they have finally met the resident house cats.  Although the pups are the same size as the cats, the cats were not impressed by this latest bunch of fuzzballs.  These softies were easily intimidated by the felines who just calmly sat and stared down the pups.  I am continuing to look for new experiences for the pups.  Yesterday, I introduced them to the hair dryer on low and cool.  This morning, they hesitantly approached while I was drying my hair at full power.  Afterwards, I turned the hair dryer to low and cool, and fluffed the puppies' coats.  They weren't sure yet of that new sensation.  This evening, I brought in two small plastic crates for them to play in and will feed some of their meals in the crates. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Milk bar closing

Juliette has FINALLY giving an indication that she is ready to start weaning the pups.  The pups spent almost the entire day Sunday loose in the house and yard since I was home.  After lunch, they woke up and headed for Juliette, and for the first time, she ran away and asked to go outside to avoid them.  I fed the pups some canned food and then tried the "do not nurse me" outfit on Juliette. 

    Poor Juliette looks pretty silly, but it works!

Unlike previous litters, these pups gave up easily.  Pups from other litters have still managed to find away to sneak a meal or continue to pester the mama dog.  But these pups made one feeble attempt, and then curled up for a nap next to Juliette.  

More 5 weeks old puppy pics

 Mork chewing on bucket.  I have been challenging the pups to interact with new scary objects. 
 Mork exploring
 Mork in "the woods" - actually just an overgrown landscaping bed under some birch trees.
 Mork demonstrating his recall.
 First time in the wading pool.
Mork has Mindy by the tail.  Lots of tail tugging these days.
And lots of puppy wresting.

Mindy pics 5 weeks old

 Going up the front porch steps
And coming back down.  I keep a comforter on the steps since the pups tend to tumble down the steps if going too fast
 Taking a drink with Auntie Tacara
 At this age, they are all teeth.  We are working on bite inhibition.
Hanging out on the front lawn

Friday, August 19, 2011

5 weeks old

Five weeks old, and they look like 7-week old pups since they are so big.  But are true to their age in coordination.  Their backends don't always know what the front end is doing.  At least their weight gain has slowed down a bit, approximately 1 1/2 lbs this last week.  Juliette shows no signs of limiting their nursing opportunities and I have not increased their canned food very much.  Mork is now noticeably bigger than Mindy.  This morning, Mork weighed 9 lbs 3 oz and Mindy weighed 8 lbs 12 oz.   Although not always the very coordinated, the pups are fully mobile, running and bouncing around, wrestling, tugging, and playing with the adult dogs.  Juliette enjoys playing with the fuzzballs, and her interactions with the pups have notably changed.  She play bows, mouth wrestles or just generally acts silly.  Auntie Tacara is very tolerant and occasionally engages them in play, but not as much as she did with puppies when she was younger.  Great grandma Yuma is barely tolerant of the puppy antics and is teaching the meaning of respect your elders.  When I am home (and awake) the pups are mostly out of the pen - either loose inside the house or out in the yard.  They are doing fantastic about toileting.  We are trying to take them out for toileting as much as we can.  They are champs at the front porch steps, and the typical routine is to carry them out to toilet in the front yard.  When ready to go back in, I just go up on the porch, call the pups, and they charge up the steps and trot into the house.  Their pen requires minimal cleaning.  I change the newspaper/shredded paper in their litterbox daily, and swap out the lightweight blanket every 2-3 days.  They have been a breeze to care for.  In addition to "invasive petting" and grooming, we are getting the pups used wearing collars and harnesses, doing "puppy, puppy, puppy" recalls, and lots of follow me games. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Puppy pics

 Mindy with Juliette, first adventure in the backyard
 Mindy decimating the day lillies
 Mork helping out


This morning, I woke up to the sound of puppy squawking - more complaining than in distress.  I guessed that we had an escapee, and sure enough, when I opened the bedroom door, Mork came bopping down the hall.  Took these pups longer than average - 4+ weeks old before climbing over the half gate.  In contrast, the Bridget pups had climbed over the half gate before they were even three weeks old.  After breakfast, we went outside in the front yard and I took the pups for their first walk about - coaxing them to follow me into unexplored areas of the yard.  Surprisingly, it was Mindy who was reluctant to follow, Mork came right along.  Eventually they both followed me around the mulch bed and to my car parked in the driveway.  And then they were off, eagerly running around exploring the new areas.  Their time loose in the front yard may be coming to a close, it may be time to move into the fenced backyard. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

4 weeks old

Four weeks old, and the size of 6-week old puppies.  Mork weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and Mindy weighed 7 lbs 4 oz.  The pups are eating 1 T of canned food three times a day, and I have reduced Juliette's rations to 3 cups of kibble + extra protein/calcium rich supplimental goodies.  Pups from big litters would be eating soaked kibble by now, but these pups don't need the extra calories.  The pups are thoroughly enjoying their time out of the pen, either out in the yard of loose in the house.  Like previous litters, they like going under the couch when tired out.  This morning I took the play tunnel out into the front yard.  Outgoing Mindy almost immediately checked it out and walked through when I called her.  Mork wasn't confident enough to give it a try.  Still not as agile as other pups their age since they have so much more body mass to move around.  No serious attempts to get over the low half gate of their pen, and only Mork has managed to get up on the first step on my front porch.  They received their 4-week worming this morning, and I trimmed toenails yesterday.  We are starting to do extra handling/invasive petting.  Lots of hugging; rolling over on their backs; cradling; handling feet, ears, tail, mouth, etc.  Also getting them used to being brushed.  During the day when I am at work, I have NPR playing for them. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Puppy pics, almost 4 weeks old

Mindy practicing her Under
Puppy wrestle mania
 Silly Mindy
 Mindy the retriever
 Mindy with toy
 Mindy again
Mindy chewing on her brother

Puppy play

The pups have turned into real puppies.  Sleeping less, playing more.  They have finally found their feet, and are starting to run and bounce around, although still not very coordinated.  I have bumped the puppy pen out to full size, and added more toys.  The pups have had lots of outdoor time, and Mork is become more confident.  They are doing great about toileting outside when given the opportunity.  This morning, they had their first adventure playing outside of the pen indoors on the tile and laminate, and interacting with the other adult dogs.  Although Mork looks quite light, I expect him to be a honey gold like Juliette, but he may have more light feathers.  Mindy will likely be dark like Yuma and Bridget.  The best indication of adult color is the ear color of the pup.  As you can see below, Mork's ear color (top pic) is actually quite similar to Mindy's. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

First Outing

 Initial reaction to being outside for the first time
Becoming a bit more confident
 Mork sniffing
 Mork howling
 Mork on point
 Mindy on the prowl
 Mindy playing with my foot
 Mindy checking out the plants
 Mork being Mama's boy